
Test Response Download

How to bulk download students' answers from a LearnJCU test.

This tool will download both automatically marked questions and questions that require manual marking.

  • To download test results for marking and moderation:

    • In list view click on the three dots next to your assessment OR
    • In grid view click on the icon at the top of the column
  • Select Download results

  • Use the default settings, but select the format of results to suit your requirements.

    • By student – each student’s attempt will appear in a single row and all answers to a question will appear in a column for moderation or to allow marking by question
    • By Question and Student – all answers for all attempts will appear in a single column. Allows sorting by question in tests with pools.
  • Marks for each question need to be entered manually into LearnJCU for each question on each student’s attempt. You cannot upload the marks via the spreadsheet.