
CEE Education Strategy Subject Review Tool

Subject Review Tool (SRT)

Watch this video to hear Frances Cochrane, educational designer, speak about the Subject Review Tool.

The Subject Review Tool (SRT) has been designed to be a simple tool you can use to review your subject’s alignment with eight core focus areas that relate to learners’ experience.

You will gain feedback about your subject’s strengths and also areas that may require improvement.

The SRT has been adapted for the Australian and JCU context from the .

The SRT contains two pages including instructions and guidance information.

The main components of the SRT include, eight core focus areas each containing a number of review components.  The review components have allocated points available [1-3] depending on their importance to learners’ experience.  When using the tool, you allocate points based on the degree to which you believe the subject’s LearnJCU site achieves the standard.

  1. Subject overview and introduction
  2. Learning outcomes
  3. Assessment
  4. Learning materials
  5. Learning activities and learner interaction
  6. Use of technologies
  7. Learner support
  8. Accessibility and usability

The Subject Review Tool has various applications. For example: