
CEE TEL Design Panopto Video Capture

Video Capture with Panopto

Panopto is JCU's video capture platform that provides secure video recordings, viewing, editing, sharing, and streaming capabilities, all from within LearnJCU.

Demonstration of Panopto

Image above: Demonstration of Panopto's video player

  • Easy to use, manage and support: Simple workflows and an intuitive interface.

  • Automatic speech to text: Every video has auto-transcriptions awaiting approval before publishing.

  • Add notes, bookmarks and discussions: These can all be done by students and educators within the video player.

  • Video assessment workflow: Create a secure space for students to submit their videos for assessment.

  • Video quizzes: Create interactive media with results sent to Grade Centre.

  • Downloadable MP4s: By default, MP4 downloadable versions are automatically created.

  • High quality streaming: Faster more reliable content delivery network (CDN) to improve the viewing experience.

  • Multiple media streams. Multiple video feeds and presentations can be streamed and shared on the one video player.

  • In browser recording. Record a presentation and capture your screen directly within the browser.

  • Editing. Easy to use online video editor that can combine several Panopto (and YouTube) videos and web pages into the one video.

  • Analytics. Detailed reports on audience engagement and viewing behaviour.

Panopto is JCU's Lecture Capture Platform. It automatically captures lectures in certain spaces and auto-publishes them to subject sites video folders. This frees up the lecturer's time and energy from having to publish automated lecture recordings and also ensures recordings are available to students in a timely and consistent manner.

Find out more about low-touch lecture capture.