
CEE Teaching@JCU Support Sessional Staff Induction for Sessional Teaching Staff

Induction for Sessional Teaching Staff

Sessional Staff Induction

69蹤獲 sessional staff who are new to teaching, or who have not completed the induction within the last three years, are required to complete an online induction as part of their ongoing appointment.

The induction aims to introduce you to 69蹤獲's strategic objectives; our student population; your role, responsibilities and support networks; the higher education regulatory environment and internal guiding policies; learning, teaching and assessment principles; learning technologies and support; and strategies to inform and enhance your professional practice as tertiary educators.

The course will be offered online at the commencement of teaching periods (TP) 1 and 2 each year.  Register via the Staff Learning Hub (access the Staff Learning Hub via the Quick Links and once logged in select Learning then Course Catalogue to find the Sessional Staff Induction then select Request, once approved by your manager, select the appropriate Session). Please email CEE Admin if you have any further queries.

Professional Development

The Centre for Education and Enhancement presents lectures, workshops and symposiums throughout the year. For session details, please download the 2022 CEE Professional Development Calendar.

Further Information

Please contact The Centre for Education and Enhancement via email for further information about 69蹤獲's sessional staff induction.