
Staff Exam Resources for Staff

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Exam Resources for Staff

These webpages are to assist and support Subject Coordinators navigate the Centrally Administered Exam process for all exam types, in addition to adjustments for AccessAbility students.

For JCU Singapore please contact exams-singapore@jcu.edu.au and for JCU Brisbane please contact onlineexams@jcub.edu.au

What’s New for 2024

The exams team identify which subjects need an end of Semester Centrally Administered Exam, by pulling the data from the CSDB (Coursework Subjects Database) for each subject.

The subject is then matched to the Subject Delegate listed in the TRDB (Teaching Role Database)

  • Please check your subject – to confirm the Assessment Method is correct.  If you wish the Exams Team to coordinate your exam it must be listed as  Examination (centrally administered).
  • Please check the   – to confirm you are listed as the Subject Delegate.  The exams team will only contact Subject Delegates who have a Centrally Administered Exam.   assessment table.

If your subject does not have an Examination (centrally administered) as an Assessment Method, the Exams team will not identify/contact you regarding your exam.

For updates to CSDB or TRDB please contact your Academic Services Team for support.

Assessment Exam Type

Permitted Materials option

Online Respondus Monitor

  • Restricted materials; or
  • No materials

Online Learn JCU and Online Respondus

  • Any materials

On Campus Hard copy and On Campus Respondus

  • Any materials (excluding electronic devices);   or
  • Restricted materials; or
  • No materials

Note: If an exam is online at home there is no option to confirm what the student has with them (i.e. books, laptop. Phone etc)

Materials permitted in all JCU Exams: pencils, pens, highlighters, erasers, whiteout, rulers and a water bottle.

When selecting your exam type, please consider the following if your subject includes an External offering:

  • Supplementary/Deferred exams are scheduled to start within 2 days of the results release date.
  • Hard Copy exams for External students cannot be facilitated in this timeframe
  • External students within 100km of campus are expected to attend campus.
  • Only an Online Exam Type will be facilitated for External Sup/def exams.

Key Dates & Actions

Please refer to the table below for the areas of responsibility regarding managing our AccessAbility student adjustments.


Subject Coordinator

Exams Team

Formal End of Semester Exams 

(Centrally Administered Online and On Campus)

No action

Submit Word exam paper and/or Upload Exam in LearnJCUArrange all adjustments
Format exam papers
Audit online exam settings

Mid-term (on-course) exams/assessments

Online only

Student contacts subject coordinator directly

Apply any timing adjustments

No action

Mid-term (on-course) exams/assessments

On Campus Only

Students application process if they want their adjustments to be applied

Submit Word exam paper

Arrange all adjustments

Key Notes:

  • Students must have an approved Access Plan – refer  AccessAbility at JCU.
  • Not all students want their adjustments applied for mid-term exams/assessments,
  • Any exam/mid-term assessment in LearnJCU must be uploaded by the Subject Coordinator
  • The exams team will re-format all exam papers provided in Word.
  • Any .pdf exam papers can only be re-formatted to A3 size.

Mid-term exams/assessments held on Campus

  1. Student submits an application to have their adjustments applied.
  2. 10 UW days before the oncourse assessment date, the exams team requests exam details, including any exam conditions, duration, reading time etc from the subject coordinator.
  3. No more than 7 days before the exam, the subject coordinator must submit the exam paper to the exams team
  4. Completed exam papers will be ready for collection within 24 hours of the exams.
    • Exams Office - Building 133, Room 102 – please bring staff ID to collect.

Subject Coordinator/delegates are responsible for uploading/creating all online exams content in LearnJCU.

Please contact Learning Technologies for assistance with content/settings and uploading exam.

Online Exam Settings Checklist for Academics

Student 2-Week Communication Optional Template

The exams team are responsible for checking the final exam settings for centrally administered exams. The below check list has been created to assist academics in the setting up their formal exam folders and exam settings.

The below table lists the areas that are included in the settings audit for all LearnJCU exams.


Ultra exam settings requirement

2 week Comms

Exam instructions must be available in LearnJCU at least two weeks prior to the examination. These can be located in either the Announcements or the Exam Assessment Folder. If no specific detail required,  a reminder announcement of the date/time and folder location of the exam is sufficient. Please see link to the optional template if required.

Respondus Information (only when using Respondus)

Please insert the pre-made Respondus exam instructions in the Assessment - Final Exam folder and make visible to students. Please follow these Knowledge Base instructions to insert the H5P instructions to your site.

Respondus practice test

A practice Respondus test should be made available for students approximately two weeks prior to the exam period commencing. This should also be in the assessment folder for quick reference.

Exam Title

Ensure that the exam title is easily identifiable to help students locate it on the day of the exam. E.g. NS5133 Formal Exam or NS5133 Formal Supp/Def Exam. Refer to the assessment item in the Subject Outline.

Exam Folder

The Assessment folder needs to be visible to students. Students cannot open the examination until the examination release conditions have been met.

Due date removed

The “Due date” field should be blank. If this has a date and time populated, it will contradict the duration.

Ensure Anonymous Grading is DisabledEnsure this feature is disabled for all Formal Examinations. If this is enabled, we cannot provide technical support/allow students back into their original attempts, as their profiles are anonymous the entire duration of the examination and post examination. Respondus video footage will not be available, which includes reviewing for Academic Misconduct.

Release conditions

Students have 30 minutes to access and start their online exam from the exam start time (either 8:45am or 1:15pm); the release conditions set on the exam should reflect this. Ensure content is set to “Show” before saving, to ensure students can locate this exam, without being able to access the exam until the set start time.

Grade Category

The grade should be set to Exam (not Test).


Attempts allowed should always be set to 1

Assessment grade

The Assessment Grade check box often automatically defaults to being selected, but must be unselected. If it remains selected then grades will automatically be posted once graded.

Assessment results

The “Assessment results” will default to automatically allowing students to view their submission post exam and automated question feedback. This must be disabled - changing the submission view to Hidden form Students.

Duration & Automatic submission

The Time Limit should be the same as the timetabled duration. Online exam durations are inclusive of read time as published in the timetable.
Automatic submission should be enabled in the submission rules.

Safe assign

Safe assign (labelled as “Originality Report”) is an originality checking tool for LearnJCU assessment items. This is not a mandatory feature and is beneficial on short answer/essay style questions. It is disabled by default; however, some coordinators will opt to enable this depending on the nature of their assessment.


The “Description” section is a free text field and will appear on the front screen of the subject site. It is not a mandatory field, however, to minimize on the day questions, it is good practice to add a reminder about the exam date and time, as students will see this in the lead up to the exam, for example:
Refresh your browser after <start time> AEST on <exam date> to access your exam.

If you have technical issues during your online exam please email exams@jcu.edu.au and include your student ID, subject code, contact number and a brief overview of your issue or call (07) 47814246.

(this provides exams with a date/time stamp.

Correct Respondus settings
(Respondus only)

Respondus settings need to be applied.

In the Advance settings, ensure that the check box has been unticked so that students can view feedback and results without the lockdown browser.

Add Contact Details in Exam Content (At home online only)

Ensure you have added contact details within the exam content. Example below:

If you have technical issues during your online exam, please email exams@jcu.edu.au and include your student ID, subject code, contact number and a brief overview of your issue.

AccessAbility adjustments

Accessibility time accommodations need to be applied as per the list provided by the exams team, 4 weeks prior to the exam

Drop Box

Do not use a Dropbox for exams - it is not a supported a supported exam method.

Technical Support on Exam Day

The Examinations team provide technical support to students during the formal exam periods only. Any on course technical enquiries will be supported by IT unless otherwise advised by the Subject Coordinator/College.

Staff should be aware of the following;

  • Formal exam start times are 8:45am AEST and 1:15pm AEST
  • Students should be logged in before the start time in preparation to access their exam.  An Exam cannot be accessed prior to the exam start time.
  • Instructions for the exam are to be provided by the Subject Coordinator in LearnJCU. Either in the “Information for Students’ folder (or similarly named folder), or through student announcements.

Exams Team Contact Details

Please direct all students to contact our team via one of the following:

Email: exams@jcu.edu.au (preferred contact method)

Ph: (07) 478 14246

Student Personal Exam Timetable

The bottom section of the example is updated prior to exam formal exam period.  This information appears on every student timetable and therefore contains generic information only

Student Personal Timetable Example

We can offer a variety of support options such as;

  • ZOOM sessions, either for individuals or groups
  • Call (07) 478 14246
  • Email - exams.staff@jcu.edu.au
  • Face to face
  • Training videos/screen shots

Contact the  Examinations Team

via email at exams.staff@jcu.edu.au

or call (07) 478 16309 or 14246

Useful links and resources: