
CEE Data & Evaluation

Data & Evaluation

Learning activity data, grades and qualitative feedback make it possible for educators to track student progress and analyse data to identify areas of strengths and weakness.

The learning data and survey feedback enables evaluations that can lead to improving parts of the subject and assessment design, and sending out targeted feedback that can help students succeed in their learning journey.

Learning Data

Data from LearnJCU and existing JCU information systems is integrated and extracted to create a series of learning analytics reports for academic staff to focus on real-time learning, teaching and student engagement.

Overview of learning data @JCU

For more information visit Subject Site Setup for Data

For more information visit Pre Semester Discovery Report

For more information visit Student Activity Data

Evaluation and Feedback

The Student Evaluation of Subjects and Teaching (SEST) Policy informs our practice in relation to evaluating the student learning experience. It stresses a cyclical process of review, reflection, revision and improvement.

Overview of evaluation and feedback @JCU

For more information visit YourJCU Surveys

For more information visit Student Experience Survey (SES)

For more information visit Graduate Outcomes Surveys (GOS, GOS-L)

For more information visit Peer Review of Teaching (PRoT)