
CEE TEL Design Collaborate Rooms

Collaborate for teaching

Our screencast will demonstrate how to use Class Collaborate (formerly known as Blackboard Collaborate) as a Moderator to deliver and record information sessions, tutorials, lectures, meetings plus all the easy to use functions such as chat, whiteboard, file and application sharing, polling, breakout rooms and more.

This video can be paused and restarted at anytime.

Collaborate for moderators

Feel free to reuse the slides in staff training sessions you may be running.

Class Collaborate

An easy to use, reliable web conferencing solution for education and training, and is conveniently located in every LearnJCU subject site.

  • Join sessions quickly - Collaborate Ultra will open right in your browser to join a session (no other software needed). Chrome is the recommended web browser, to take full advantage of Collaborate Ultra.
  • Focus on teaching - The new interface is easy to use so you can focus on teaching.
  • Easy access for students - Students can access Collaborate sessions from within a LearnJCU subject site on desktop or device.
  • Internet access, preferably wired if you can (Broadband internet speed recommended)
  • Web browser (Chrome recommended)
  • Headphones/speakers and microphone
  • Webcam or inbuilt camera (if using video)
  • Review the advice on .
  • Suggest that participants hide their video and just have the Speaker sharing theirs
  • Convert PowerPoints to PDFs and upload slides instead of using screen share
  • Run short sessions and consider complementing with alternative means of communication such as discussion forums, ePortfolios or shared documents.
  1. Where possible use a wired connection
    • If a wired connection is not possible choose a location with good connectivity
  2. Turn off the Video while presenting content
    • Turn off your camera lecturer while presenting slides or content.
    • Only turn your camera on when directly interacting with the students
  3. Sharing files
    • Sharing the Application window uses more bandwidth than file sharing
    • Reduce the size of files by converting them to a pdf format (preferably for web). This is especially important for large PowerPoint presentations.
    • Ensure any required files are uploaded to the session before it commences.

Class Collaborate help has a detailed section for .

Check out a Collaborate Virtual Classroom as either a Moderator or a Student

  • - As a moderator you can practise uploading your lecture notes and handouts, using the whiteboard area or sharing your applications.
  • - As a student, you can see how the collaboration tools work from a student perspective.

Protocols to run through for every Collaborate lecture

  • Join at least 15 minutes early to test your audio and video.
  • Greet students as they join.
  • Have a welcome slide with instructions to set up audio/video (available pre-made slides).
  • Explain to students how you would like the session to run (i.e. questions at the end, questions asked via chat, students to raise their hand, or students to ask as they please). Ensure all students understand the basics before proceeding.
  • If you are planning to record, seek permission and explain the video/audio/chat will be recorded and made available to all in the subject. Only record if necessary.
  • One person on their microphone at a time - mute when not speaking to reduce background noise and bandwidth.
  • Speak clearly, slowly and be animated.
  • Engage the students through polling, feedback, emoticons, ask questions and use student names.
  • Be patient with students and self while everyone adjusts to new ways.

Collaborate Protocols (PDF, 525 KB)

Collaborate Checklist (PDF, 988 KB)