
Sessional Staff Resources

JCU's sessional teaching staff make a significant contribution to the learning experience of our students. Sessional staff are valued as key members of the teaching team and the The Centre for Education and Enhancement (CEE), along with each College, offers teaching and academic services and support.

All sessional staff are invited to CEE's series of professional development workshops and events.  JCU recognises the valuable contribution of sessional staff, and rewards excellence in sessional teaching through the annual Sessional Teaching Awards.

When starting as a new staff member you may be made aware of your occupational health and safety obligations, as well as your workplace rights and responsibilities. Also see HR Online training and user guides, and HR staff development workshops and training.

Other useful links:

is an online learning platform that provides staff with free course-based video instruction on a wide range of topics, including business, software, technology and creative skills.