
CEE TEL Design Subject Site Setup

Subject Site Setup

The LearnJCU Subject Template can guide you through setting up your subject site.

Subject merges first!

Ensure  are performed before adding content, as the merged subject is a clean build with no existing content brought over.

Having trouble finding your subject site?  Refer to knowledge base article -

Need a practice site? Refer to knowledge base article -  

Setting up your subject site in 7 steps:

The LearnJCU Subject Template is a whole-of-institution template that provides a standardised layout structure between subject sites for ease of student navigation.

When you open an untouched subject site you will see pre-populated items. Open subject site, find "IMPORTANT - 2024 Subject Site Checklist" first item, click to open in a new tab. Use two screens if possible, Checklist open in one and the subject site open in the other. Move through the Checklist sections to help build your subject site. .

Screenshot of the 2024 Subject Template

The image above is a screenshot of the Subject Site pre-populated items for 2024, highlighting the first item "IMPORTANT - 2024 Subject Site Checklist"

These two items must be available in LearnJCU one week (five working days) before the start of the teaching period, as outlined in the Subject Outline Procedure and Student Digital Experience Policy.

Please follow the precise naming and upload instructions below. If different, the system may not find them and your subject will be marked as not meeting compliance requirements.

儭 Introductory Video

Place your introductory video (created in Panopto) in the ‘About this Subject' folder and make it available to students five (5) working days before the commencement of the study period.

Name the introductory video item 'Introductory video for [subject name] ' and place it as a Panopto video within the ‘About this Subject' folder

儭 Subject Outline

Place your Subject Outline (PDF) in the ‘About this Subject’ folder and make it available to students five (5) working days before the commencement of the study period (see Subject Outlines Procedure 3.1).

Name the subject outline item ' Subject outline for [subject name]' and place it as a PDF within the ‘About this Subject' folder

Screenshot of the About this Subject folder with the Introductory Video and Subject Outline using the naming convention

Help with 'About this Subject' folder components:

儭 'Assessment #' folders

Fill in the titles of the assessment in each of the folder names. Order chronologically and fill the folders with assessment task/s descriptions and any extra resources about the assessment.

If you set up the Overall Grade Calculation correctly you can effectively utilise the grading analytics for your subject.

儭 Full Readings List

To check this, search for your subject code on the . If you need help or have any questions please .

Check that all content is valid and delete what is no longer required. Look at making content visible or set conditional availability (show date) and update due dates on assessments.

Check the accessibility of your online learning materials with Anthology Ally

Use the Subject Review Tool to ensure your subject covers the key elements covered over the eight core focus areas:

  • Subject overview and introduction
  • Learning outcomes
  • Assessment learning materials
  • Learning activities and learner interaction
  • Use of technologies
  • Learner support
  • Accessibility
  • Usability

Help with checking content

Tracking student engagement:

  • (Blackboard help)
  • (Blackboard help)
  • and  (Blackboard help)

Resources and training available:

Ask for help:

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