
Subject Lifecycle - Plan

Use the Subject Lifecycle resource to gain an overview of key points within the learning, teaching and assessment policy and procedures. Refer to the policy library for a full description of the policy or procedure.

Click the headings within the accordions (i.e. LTA Proc 3.1.3) to find out more about that key point.

Abbreviations: CAI - Coursework Academic Integrity  |  CP - Core principle  |  LTA - Learning, Teaching and Assessment  |  Proc. - Procedure |  SO - Subject Outline


LTA Proc 3.1.3
Assessment methods must be the same across study mode and campus.

LTA Proc. 3.1.2
Ensure transparent assessment descriptions and rubrics that contain criteria or scales that define the standards expected of students' work.

CAI Proc. 3.2
Staff and affiliates must complete JCU's staff Coursework Academic Integrity Education Modules where directed by the University.

LTA Proc. 3.2.5
Examination papers for the examination period are securely prepared, approved and submitted to the College Administration and Examinations Unit in a timely manner in order to meet deadlines, as outlined in the Examinations Procedure.

Prepare the subject outline according to the SO Procedure.

LTA Proc. 2.4.2. d
Communicate the actions taken in response to a subject review to other staff and students.

SO Proc. 3.1
Make SO available on Learning Management System (LearnJCU), five university working days before the start of the study period.

Prepare the LearnJCU site according to the Student Digital Experience Policy.

LTA Proc. 1.4.1. a
Ensure that LearnJCU provides access to core learning materials and extension options through technologies where appropriate.

LTA Proc. 4.2.1
Face-to-face and online teaching environments have up-to-date and relevant equipment and resources that enhance a range of different teaching approaches.

Downloadable version - Subject Lifecycle (PDF, 134 KB)

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