
CEE Development & Recognition Grants & Awards JCU Inclusive and Accessible LearnJCU Site Awards

JCU Inclusive and Accessible LearnJCU Site Awards

JCU Inclusive and Accessible LearnJCU Site Awards recognise the significant contributions made by staff to the teaching and learning community of JCU.  The awards recognise LearnJCU site designs that provide accessible and engaging learning materials, demonstrate principles of Universal Design for Learning and develop a learning community.

These awards are an initiative of the Education Division, and facilitated by the The Centre for Education and Enhancement.

Up to four (4) awards with a prize value of $500 each will be awarded in 2024. Winners will be announced at the Celebrating Excellence in Learning & Teaching at JCU: Teaching Excellence Awards on Thursday, 24 October 2024.


College Deans may nominate any current staff member.

For the purposes of these Awards, all nominations must relate to contributions to student learning in undergraduate and coursework postgraduate courses.

JCU Inclusive and Accessible LearnJCU Site award recipients are not eligible for renomination within three years of receiving an award.

Application Process

Download the Application Guidelines.

Submit a Nomination Form complete with a short video, a brief written statement supported by evidence indicating ways in which the inclusive and accessible site design has contributed to student learning, student engagement and/or overall student experience, and one reference.

Nominations must be submitted by the College ADLT to grantsandawards@jcu.edu.au by COB  Friday, 20 September 2024.

JCU Inclusive and Accessible LearnJCU Site Award Winners

Frances Cochrane
College of Healthcare Sciences

For the subject site SL3004: Acquired Language Impairments

Dr Brian Law
College of Healthcare Sciences

For the subject site PY4203: The Psychology of Health, Wellbeing, and Resilience

Vicki Dunk
College of Public Health Medicine and Veterinary Science

For the subject site BM1111: Introduction to Health Sciences

Colleen Hodgins, Dr Martina Mylrea and Associate Professor John Smithson
College of Medicine, and Dentistry

For the subject site PC1101: Introduction to Pharmacy