
Current Students Enrolment Trimester Academic Calendar FAQs

Trimester Academic Calendar FAQs

JCU is introducing a refreshed academic calendar that transitions our courses to a trimester format. This represents a significant change in how our academic year is structured, enhancing the flexibility and delivery of our courses.

DVC Education, Professor Maree Dinan-Thompson shares more on our move to a refreshed academic calendar.

Why is JCU making this change?

The rationale behind this change is to align with a student-centric approach that emphasizes accessibility and choice. By adopting a trimester system, we aim to provide our students with the ability to integrate their studies more conveniently with their personal and professional lives, the opportunity for greater academic mobility, and accelerated learning options.

When will this occur?

The transition towards the trimester delivery model will commence in a staggered manner from 2024, ensuring that each course is carefully integrated into the new system without disruption to the students' educational experience.

Change in terminology within the Academic Refresh

With the refreshed academic calendar, we're also updating our terminology to better reflect our new structure. The term 'Carousel' (intensive units) will be replaced with 'Block', denoting a more structured and sequential approach to our study periods. Consequently, study periods 81 through 86 will be rebranded as Block 1 through Block 6, respectively, to align with this change.

Hear more about 2024 Student & Staff Experience

JCU Students and Staff share their experience in transitioning to Trimester study

Can't find an answer to your question?

Courses transitioning to Trimester delivery in 2025

Pathway Programs
 117621Diploma of Tertiary Studies [Exit only]
 116221Diploma of Engineering [Pathway]
 16020Advanced Diploma of Arts [Exit Only]
 114513Associate Degree in Creative Arts and Media [Exit Only]


Associate Degree in Health Sciences [Exit Only]
 16020Bachelor of Life Sciences [Exit Only]
Undergraduate Degrees
 115710Bachelor of Arts
 20310Bachelor of Arts - Bachelor of Business
 60210Bachelor of Arts - Bachelor of Laws
 12010Bachelor of Arts - Bachelor of Science
 115510Bachelor of Advanced Science
 60610Bachelor of Business - Bachelor of Laws (commencing from 2024)
114310Bachelor of Business - Bachelor of Psychological Science
20709Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) [End-on]
119110Bachelor of Cybersecurity (available at JCU Singapore only)
121310Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management
116209Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) [Embedded]
 116309Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) [Embedded] - Bachelor of Information Technology
 116409Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) [Embedded] - Bachelor of Science
20110EBachelor of Economics (available at JCU Singapore only)
56010Bachelor of Geology (available for existing students only)
50110MBachelor of Marine Science
10309ABachelor of Psychological Science (Honours) [End-on]
 50910Bachelor of Planning (available for existing students only)
 50909Bachelor of Planning (Honours) [Embedded] (available for existing students only)
115810Bachelor of Science
60510Bachelor of Science - Bachelor of Laws
112510Bachelor of Social Work
112509Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) [Embedded]
70610Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science (mixed Trimester and Semester delivery with new students beginning in January)
71409Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours) (mixed Trimester and Semester delivery with new students beginning in January)
119209Bachelor of Veterinary Science (Honours) (mixed Trimester and Semester delivery with new students beginning in January)
Postgraduate Degrees


Graduate Diploma of Psychology 
 73907Graduate Diploma of Midwifery
 118304Master of Engineering (Professional)


Master of Marine Biology


Master of Science


Master of Science (Professional)


Master of Social Work (Professional Qualifying)

The Trimester FAQs page will remain the key source of information regarding Trimester transition in 2025.

Delivering a positive student experience remains our top priority. Your college will provide details about changes to your course commencing from late August, followed by student forums scheduled from September to address any queries or concerns.

College of Science & Engineering

CSE Student Resources page offers further detail on CSE courses  transitioning to  trimesters.

General Enquiries &  Further Support

For general queries during this time regarding the trimester calendar, the JCU Student Centre (Client Services team) will be holding drop-in sessions available to students at the following dates and times:

Townsville Student Centre - Building 134-021

12pm - 1 pm

  • Tuesday 27th August
  • Wednesday 28th August
  • Tuesday 17th September
  • Wednesday 18th September

Cairns Student Centre - Building A001-013B

9am - 10am

  • Tuesday 27th August
  • Wednesday 28th August
  • Tuesday 17th September
  • Wednesday 18th September

You can also connect with the JCU Student Centre team outside these hours in person, or by chat (with Sunny), phone call or email.

JCU Colleges will be holding Student Forums to share further information regarding the transition of selected courses into trimester delivery, as part of the refreshed academic calendar. Your forum is an opportunity to ask questions regarding the change to your course. All forums will have a zoom link for remote access and will be recorded.

Student Services Enrolments team and your college Success officers will be available during the forum to provide student advice and support.

Students whose courses are transitioning into Trimester will receive email notification of upcoming College Forums date. 

Upcoming College Student Forums

Forum - College of Science & Engineering - Friday 13th September 2024, 12pm – 1pm

  • CNS - Building A003.001 -
  • TSV - Building 5 -

A light lunch will be provided to students on campus. RSVP is required for catering. 

CSE Student Resources page offers further detail on CSE courses  transitioning to  trimesters.

Forum - College of Arts, Society and Education - Wednesday 11th September 10am - 11am

  • CNS  - Building A003-002 -
  • TSV - Building 134.010 -

A light lunch will be provided to students on campus. RSVP is required for catering.

Forum - College of Health Science - Forum 18th September 2024, 12pm – 1pm


For more information, or to chat to a Client Services teams:

The Student Centre is offering drop-in sessions for students with questions or queries regarding the Trimester transition.

Townsville Student Centre - Building 134-021

12pm - 1 pm

  • Tuesday 27th August
  • Wednesday 28th August
  • Tuesday 17th September
  • Wednesday 18th September

Cairns Student Centre - Building A001-013B

9am - 10am

  • Tuesday 27th August
  • Wednesday 28th August
  • Tuesday 17th September
  • Wednesday 18th September

You can also connect with the JCU Student Centre team outside these hours in person, or by chat (with Sunny), phone call or email.

Course enrolment planners will be automatically emailed to students by the Student Services Enrolments team as the relevant college confirms course transition planning.  We are unable to provide exact timeframes regarding updated course specific enrolment plans at this time. All students will receive their revised Course Enrolment Plan prior to Trimester 1, 2025 commencement. Please monitor your JCU email.

We understand students may seek to plan study breaks for 2025, please refer to the Academic Calendars for your relevant study period date.

If you are an international student, the below FAQs may not apply to you. For specific information on how the trimesters will affect prospective international students, please visit our page.

Frequently Asked Questions

The academic calendar at JCU is a three-tier calendar comprised of Semesters, Carousels (short-form study periods), and Trimesters.

The heart of the calendar is the Trimester model, where teaching is split over three study periods during a calendar year.

A Trimester is a model where teaching is split over three equal study periods during a calendar year.

The semester model has two teaching periods per academic year of 13 weeks each.

The trimester model has three teaching periods per academic year of 10 weeks each.

From 2024, the structure of each Trimester includes:

10 weeks of teaching

One week lecture recess

One week for exams.

View the current Academic Calendars here.

The primary benefit of our students is that trimesters responds to the demand for flexible , year round learning.

Students can better manage their study load. Students can structure their own degree progression and even build one or two trimester breaks into their study plans to balance work, family, and university commitments. Students can also complete 9 subjects in one calendar year (a slight acceleration) or 6 subjects across three trimesters to maintain full-time load. The trimester model caters for ‘study around work’ and other commitments.

Trimesters also simplifies and aligns study periods across all JCU locations. From 2024, the academic calendar aligns JCU Australia, JCU Singapore and JCU Brisbane, which increases opportunities for shared study experiences.

Some courses have already transitioned to trimesters including:

During 2021 courses in the College of Business, Law & Governance except Law.

During 2022 first year subjects in the Bachelor of Information Technology (or a dual course).

Commencing from 2024 further courses will transition to trimesters.

Yes, students studying online will also follow the Trimester model.

The flexibility to accommodate a separation of Trimester and Semester study periods could result in dual and double degree students studying across trimesters and semesters. You can seek study planning advice by emailing enrolments@jcu.edu.au.

Placements and thesis projects (or similar activities) depend on the specific course. When designing courses for a trimester system, JCU policy and TEQSA requirements regarding timing and required completion hours have been carefully considered.

Yes, this is part of the implementation communications strategy and plan tailored for each college and its courses. Ongoing communications will be provided to both staff and students. More information is available on the website here.

The annual tuition fee will not change in relation to 1 EFTSL as a result of transition of a course to trimesters. International student fee increase and student contribution changes that the Australian government may make from year to year, however this is not in relation to change to trimesters.

For domestic students fees are triggered by subject enrolment, therefore the total annual fee a student pays year to year may vary, while the overall course costs will not.  For example; the Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons) is a 4 year accelerated program completed in 3 years as a result of the change to trimesters. As such, students pay more per calendar year with the overall cost of the course unchanged.

To be classed as full-time a student will be required to enrol in a minimum number of credit points in each standard study period.

A normal full-time workload for each Trimester is nine credit points (three subjects). For Student Income Support purposes a student must undertake 75 per cent of the normal full-time workload; being six credit points (two subjects) for a Trimester. For more information, please refer to the for details about eligibility for Student Income Support.

Guidelines for undertaking study in the Trimester model and retaining eligibility for Student Income Support:

  • If a student requires Student Income Support for the full academic year they must enrol in six subjects spread across all three trimesters, with at least one enrolment in every Trimester. It is recommended students enrol in all their subjects for that year no later than January of the academic year to enable system processing and sustained income support.
  • If a student’s enrolment pattern for the year will have an uneven number of subjects in each trimester (e.g.  3+2+1 or 3+1+3), it is recommended they enrol in all their subjects before the commencement of Trimester One to indicate to Centrelink they are planning to undertake the minimum 75 per cent normal full time load across the year.

Each Study Period and Trimester is allocated to a Teaching Period. The academic year is divided into two Teaching Periods. Teaching Period 1 is the first six months of the year and Teaching Period 2 is the second six months of the year. Subjects with a census date prior to 1 July fall within Teaching Period 1, and subjects with a census date on or after 1 July fall within Teaching Period 2. Trimesters One and Two are included in Teaching Period 1 and Trimester Three is included in Teaching Period 2.

To be classed as full-time a student will be required to enrol in a minimum number of credit points in each standard study period.

A normal full-time workload for each Teaching Period is 12 credit points (four subjects). For Student Income Support purposes a student must undertake 75 per cent of the normal full-time workload; being 9 credit points (3 subjects) for that Teaching Period. For more information please refer to the for details about eligibility for Student Income Support.

Guidelines for retaining eligibility for Student Income Support whilst undertaking study in Teaching Periods when also required to undertake a subject offered in a Trimester:

  • If a student requires Student Income Support for the full academic year they must enrol in six subjects spread across two Teaching Periods. It is recommended students enrol in all their subjects for that year at the commencement of the academic year.
  1. Teaching Period 1 example: If a student is required to enrol in two subjects in Study Period 1 and one subject in Trimester One they must be enrolled in the subjects before the earliest commencement date.
  2. Teaching Period 2 example: If a student is required to enrol in one subject in Study Period 2 and two subjects in Trimester Three they must be enrolled in the subjects before the earliest commencement date.

If available in the course, students can undertake a mix of both on-campus and online subjects. Students enrolled as on-campus (internal) are able to undertake online subjects. Please refer to the for subject availability.

No, graduation dates are not affected by trimesters.

Students can enrol into a maximum of three subjects per trimester. Enrolment in additional subjects needs to be approved by the College. Students requesting approval will be assessed on their GPA score.

Depending on the course structure, student may not be required to study in all three trimesters, however, if a student receives Centrelink payments, they may be required to undertake study in all three trimesters to be eligible for payments while studying. For more information see FAQ ‘How will studying in Study Periods and Trimesters affect my Centrelink Payments?’ This response may not apply to international students. Please refer to the  for information tailored to international students.

No, not all subjects are offered in every trimester. Please refer to the for subject availability.

Please direct any enrolment-related enquiries to enrolments@jcu.edu.au.

Courses delivered in Trimesters from 2024 include:

Pathway Programs
100130      JCU Prep (commencing from 2024)
113121Diploma of Higher Education
118121Diploma of Business 
118421Diploma of Technology 
Undergraduate Degrees
116910Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences (commencing from 2024)
20510Bachelor of Business
60610Bachelor of Business - Bachelor of Laws 
114310Bachelor of Business - Bachelor of Psychological Science
20710Bachelor of Commerce
103110Bachelor of Information Technology
103109Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours) [end-on] 
118610Bachelor of Laws (commencing 2024)
70809Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) [Embedded] 
112810Bachelor of Psychological Science 
109110Bachelor of Tourism, Hospitality and Events
Postgraduate Degrees
23511Graduate Certificate of Accounting
109011Graduate Certificate of Business Administration
23411Graduate Certificate of Conflict Management and Resolution
50311Graduate Certificate of Information Technology
23506Graduate Diploma of Accounting
109104Master of International Tourism and Hospitality Management
112304Master of International Tourism and Hospitality Management - Master of Business Administration
116204Master of Business Administration
116604Master of Business Administration (2 year)
112004Master of Business Administration - Master of Conflict Management and Resolution
113804Master of Education (commencing from 2024)
117404Master of Education - Master of Business Administration
117704Master of Governance and Leadership
113504Master of Information Technology
112404Master of Information Technology - Master of Business Administration
109504Master of Professional Accounting
112104Master of Professional Accounting - Master of Business Administration

Courses delivered through a combination of Trimester and Semesters include:

115510              Bachelor of Advanced Science
20310Bachelor of Arts - Bachelor of Business
12010Bachelor of Arts - Bachelor of Science
101510Bachelor of Business and Environmental Science
109410Bachelor of Education (Secondary)
Accounting, Business and Economics Teaching Areas Only
109310Bachelor of Education (Primary)
109410Bachelor of Education (Secondary)
116209Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
116309Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Bachelor of Information Technology
116409Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Bachelor of Science
115710Bachelor of Science
109804Master of Public Health - Master of Business Administration

The availability of placements and thesis projects (or similar activities) varies depending on the specific course. When converting courses to trimesters, we carefully consider the timing and required hours of completion, aligning with JCU policy and TEQSA requirements. This ensures that these practical components fit seamlessly into your academic schedule.

The overall cost of a course remains the same with the transition to trimesters. However, some courses will be completed in a shorter time frame due to the trimester model. This means some students may pay more per calendar year, but the total cost of the course stays unchanged. For specific course fees, please refer to the individual course page on the JCU website:

Yes, this is part of the implementation communication strategy and plan customized for each college and course. Regular updates will be provided to both staff and students. Additional details can be accessed on the website, which is available here.