
Student Equity and Wellbeing AccessAbility at JCU AccessAbility Exams and Exam Adjustments

AccessAbility Exams and Exam Adjustments

Students with a documented disability, injury, illness, short or long-term health condition that affects their ability to undertake assessment or examinations may have exam adjustments included as part of their management plan. Current medical evidence is required and early notice is important so that every effort can be made to meet your needs.

Alternative assessment adjustments can be discussed with an AccessAbility Advisor and will be based on your health circumstances and course requirements. This may include negotiation with academic staff.

Exam adjustments may include:

  • Use of a scribe or reader
  • Additional working time
  • Rest breaks
  • Alternative formatting of examination papers
  • Alternative room with suitable lighting
  • Use of alternative furniture (e.g. ergonomic chairs, adjustable tables, lecterns)
  • Access to food and drink
  • Access to medication and medical equipment
  • Wheelchair access
  • Use of computer

Formal End of Semester exams

Please be aware that if any changes to already agreed reasonable adjustments are required for an Examination Period or a new adjustment is required unexpectedly, a request must be submitted at least 15 university working days prior to the start of a formal Examination Period.  Adjustments will then be assessed on an individual basis and if adjustments cannot be accommodated at that time a deferred examination may be required.

On Course Examinations

The Examinations team will manage any approved on course/mid term examinations, test, quizzes that are held on campus. Follow the link to