
Speech Pathology

About Speech Pathology

As an aspiring Speech Pathologist, you understand just how crucial communication is to human development and individual success. Your JCU Bachelor of Speech Pathology degree will qualify you to assess, diagnose, and manage significant speech and swallowing impediments.

Acquire a thorough understanding in areas such as anatomy, linguistics, and speech development and impairment. Learn how to diagnose and manage a diverse range of cases and benefit from JCU’s on-campus speech and language clinic.

Practical placements challenge you to apply your theoretical knowledge in a variety of settings. You will have the opportunity to complete placements in rural and Indigenous communities, as well as overseas.

JCU Speech Pathology graduates all develop research skills and are equipped with the advanced knowledge and skills required to excel in their field and change lives. Launch a career in education settings, hospitals, community health centres, nursing homes, child care, mental health services, disability services, and private practice.

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