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Tax Clinic

The JCU Tax Clinic is a friendly, student-run clinic where you will receive advice and assistance from JCU taxation students under the supervision of experienced tax practitioners. The aim of the JCU Tax Clinic is to assist unrepresented individuals, established small businesses and not-for-profit organisations in meeting or complying with their taxation affairs.

Tax adviser pointing to computer screen

The JCU Tax Clinic may be able to assist if:

  • you need advice and assistance regarding a tax matter;
  • you are uncertain of how to respond to a notice from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO);
  • you require assistance with your tax affairs such as:
    • meeting reporting or filing requirements;
    • applying for remission of penalties and/or interest;
    • negotiating a payment plan with the ATO; or
    • assistance with computing tax liability;
  • you are dissatisfied with an assessment and want to know what your rights are;
  • you have an on-going issue with the ATO; or
  • you need some assistance in understanding how to complete your taxation return.

If you are experiencing any of the issues above, please complete our online form to apply for assistance, or if you require any further information, please contact us.

The objectives of the JCU Tax Clinic are to:

  • offer free advice and assistance to North Queensland individuals, established small businesses and registered not-for-profit organisations;
  • provide JCU Law and Business students the opportunity to gain practical experience in a controlled and supportive environment under the supervision of experienced tax practitioners, with a view to preparing them for practice; and
  • provide local legal and tax practitioners with an opportunity to engage in pro bono service.

It is not intended or expected to compete with professional tax advisors and accountants or community legal services.

If you are experiencing any of the issues listed above and would like assistance from the JCU Tax Clinic, please complete an online application form here. If you require any further information please contact us directly via phone or email.

For further information please contact:

JCU Tax Clinic

P: (07) 478 15393

E: taxclinic@jcu.edu.au

The content of the JCU Tax Clinic website is provided for information purposes only. The contents of this website do not constitute legal advice and should not be used as such. Formal legal advice should be sought in particular matters. While all care is taken to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information and advice given during a client advice session, JCU Tax Clinic does not accept responsibility for any error or omission. Nor does it accept any liability to any party, caused directly or indirectly by any person relying on it. The JCU Tax Clinic student volunteers are not authorised to give advice, or provide a tax agent service. Only the tax practitioner supervisors (who are registered tax agents) are authorised to give advice.