
Corporate Strategy

JCU Corporate Strategy brochure cover

For over 50 years, JCU has helped graduates access the education and experience they need to thrive in a global workforce.

We’re proud to serve regional and remote communities and we remain dedicated to providing study experiences that are exciting, challenging and rewarding.

This Corporate Strategy (PDF, 3240 KB) is shared by all of JCU, across our operations and locations in Australia, Singapore and elsewhere. It sets out our values, priorities and what matters to us as a university.

Most importantly, it demonstrates our continued commitment to the success and wellbeing of students, our people, our communities and local economies.


At the heart of our commitment is an unwavering focus on:

Creating a brighter future for life in the Tropics and beyond, through education and research that makes a difference locally, and globally.

An international University as reflected in our people, our places, and our research, 69蹤獲 takes pride in being recognised as a leading tertiary institution. The University consistently delivers outstanding student outcomes with high employability for our graduates.

We are unique among Australian universities, woven into the intellectual, economic and social fabric of our communities and set amid irreplaceable ecosystems and cultures. We provide a practical and experiential, research-rich learning environment for our students, fostering their professional expertise and intellectual curiosity.


Our values are the qualities that define what we stand for. They capture the standards that we live by and guide the way we behave and work together.

Working in, with and for the communities in which we are based, we are responsive to their needs and champions for transformative education and research. In doing so we act ethically, transparently and with generosity of spirit.

Our global reputation for cutting-edge research and education is built upon our responsiveness to the unique characteristics of the places in which we work and our commitment to excel in everything we do.

We hold ourselves to the highest standards of professional and scientific conduct.

We are proactive in identifying and acting on barriers to inclusiveness and diversity in all aspects of university life.

JCU fosters a respectful environment for robust debate and a diversity of ideas, engaging our staff, students and the broader community in a supportive, culturally respectful and connected community of higher learning.


These describe our key areas of strategic focus and the core capabilities we will harness to help deliver on the University’s objectives.

JCU measures itself by the success of our students. Our curriculum emphasises experiential learning, student agency, and technology enhanced learning; assuring seamless integration and equivalency across delivery sites and modes.

Effective pathway and student support programs extend access and widen participation in higher education, including regional, remote, Indigenous, first-in-family, and international students.

All students gain lifelong learning skills and enduring connections with our University.

Our global position as a world-class research university capitalises on existing strengths and expertise, and focuses our investment on emerging challenges and opportunities for our region, the Tropics and beyond.

We provide research excellence, innovation and commercialisation opportunities that deliver impact to our communities and end-users. We provide real world solutions to the problems of today and tomorrow.

The accomplishments of our University are an aggregate of the achievements and success of our people.

We are focused on ensuring that our staff and students are valued and enabled through an inclusive and respectful learning environment, and that our workforce reflects our strategic priorities.

Through our relationship and partnerships with our communities, we create opportunities and address local challenges.

As a place-based knowledge partner, the University delivers education, research and policy advice to government. We influence policy, strategic planning and integrated responses for the social, cultural and economic benefit of our Place.

To create opportunities and enduring benefits for our region and beyond the University must be financially sustainable.

We ensure that our actions today enhance the range of social, cultural, environmental and economic options available to future generations.

69蹤獲 partners with Russo Higher Education Pty Ltd to deliver the programs available at our Brisbane campus.